Monday, 15th November was the best day for fpsk's first year students in this year because that day was the last day for our examination.. Then... poof!! everyone went back to their hostels, packed everything necessary to be brought back to home. And as usual, I brought all smelly and dirty clothes.... 2 bags for dirty clothes and only one small box for books.. yup, thats rite.. Guyton and Sherwood .. These two books are my so-called best friends... hee~.. love u guys!!
17th November was a big day for Muslimin and Muslimat because "Eid Al-Adha".. As usual, went to the mosque to pray... but after the prayer.. we did unusual activity which was not really normal thing to do during that EidAl-Adha..
We chose uncommon activity to do and uncommon place to go.....

yup.. thats rite.. whent I post about Sunway Lagoon at FB status, everyone kept asking and made fun.. "ko ada wat sembelih lembu ke kat sane?".. well.. I just replied " a'ah... unik gile.. sblm sembelih, bawak lembu-lembu tu main bot dulu, pastu swimming, pastu main g-force.. etc.. banyak la.. pastu baru sembelih".. LOL..
What should we do? My mom and my second sis were at Makkah, performing Haji.. my dad at Perak.. after thinking wisely (or not), we decided to enjoy ourselves because that was the only day everyone was free. Actually, this was all my sis's idea. Check it out

Then, my sis from Makkah text me.. She said "tgk The Mentalist.. best!" she was performing Haji but yet, she didn't forget to promote the DVD she bought..heheh~impressive
Thanks a lot!!
So, for about 3 days, I completed watching the whole first season of "The Mentalist"
I must say, the drama was very fantastic.. I give 9.5 over 10 (where did 0.5 go? I dont know.. ha3).. Cant wait for the next season.. The cases (investigation) were mindblowing.. The hero's attitude was pain at the neck,.. hehe.. The love story between Rigsby and Van Pelt was very sweet..
After "The Mentalist"... I changed my mood to Japanese Drama.. "Tokyo Dogs".. also about investigation. "These Two Young Detectives Are The Worst Match in The History".. Funny =)
It only took me one day to finish watching it.
So, now!!! i'm officially bored. I start to watch any programmes, any drama.. burn notice.. ghost whisperer.. em.. I just miss my mom and my sis.. I dont know why, I think I am homesick at my own house.
If my mom is at home right now, I'm sure.. I would always go to PKNS, Warta (the real name is Bangi Utama) eat my fav Nasi Ayam, cendol, Roti Naan and so on.. so much more we can do together.. I'm her driver.. I was wondering, Is she not going to drive in her entire life although she has a licence? I dont think so... I think it is better let her children become her official drivers.. heeh~
If my sister is at home right now, during weekend, we would always hang out together-gather at shopping malls.. Mid Valley, The Mines, Metro Point, IOI.. To do WHAT? of course eat and window shopping.. we are not rich people.. not from silver spoon family.. so, we can only look at all the stuff there and imagine.. "If I have money, I would buy this.. If I have a big house someday, I will put this at my bedroom".. This is called "bermimpi di siang hari"..
owh.. last night, I went to Alamanda with my first sis and my bro in-law. We watched Harry Potter. I love it. The plot becomes more serious now and I was happy because I could watch my fav actor.. em not Harry potter actually... But Ron Weasley .. weird ha?
This Friday, my sis plans to watch Rapunzel.. he~ I'Allah
Last Night, I dreamt about my mom, she said "This afternoon, lets go eat at the restaurant"... wow, that was a very cruel dream I had.. When I woke up.. I know, thats not going to happen.. She is not here yet. 6th December! Cant wait
Thank God, my other siblings are here.. if not I will "mati kering keboringan" hee~
Owh yeah! I brought my Physiology books from my hostel with a very pure intension to read the books.. but I think I didnt touch them yet..haahah~~ I think, I'll start study after 2 days. I'Allah... Oh my Sherwood and Guyton!! Dont feel upset.. We will have our dates after a few days.. Dont worry...
So, after this, I want to wash my "clean" clothes and "clean" plates, glasses etc...
To the rescue... opppss... no.. To the KITCHEN...... !!! Salam Alaik..
Gatal tulis dlm bhs Inggeris coz jelez dgn blog Nuha.. Hancus englishku, maafkan je ar ye.. =)
salam liyana...jgn bosan2...
ReplyDeleteyeye.. ibujunes.. act, xleh tahan borink dh sbenrnye.. haha =)